Agitators,Agitators Manufacturers,Agitators Manufacturers in India
Agitators,Agitators Manufacturers,Agitators Manufacturers in India

Dakshyani Enterprises is the leading manufacturers of mechanical and industrial products. They are supplying the best kind of agitators. The Agitators are the devices which can be used for stirring or shaking. There are machine agitators and magnetic agitators. The machine agitators move back and forth for the motion and the magnetic agitator has a magnetic bar rotating in a magnetic field. There are many sizes and varieties available for the agitators.

They consist of an impeller and a shaft. An impeller can be called as a rotor located in a tube which is attached to the shaft. By the means of impeller, some pressure is created in order to flow the fluid in the agitator. This company is modernizing the technology of the agitator working and they have attained better control over the mixing process.

There are four kinds of agitators which can be used in the industries; they are anchor, turbine, propeller, and gas induction. The choice of the agitators can be dependent on the need of the mixing substance. This can be liquids, liquid and solid, liquid and gas, and also liquid with solid and gas.

Dakshyani Enterprises is providing the best ranges of Agitators at a very reasonable price. They are maintaining the best quality of the product by utilizing the optimum quality steel and they use the advanced machining in the manufacturing of the product. The products they supply are extremely durable and remain as new for a longer time. The agitators they supply are made of premium quality raw material.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • Chemical Industry.
  • Food processing Industry.
  • Costmetic industry.

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